June 26, 2019, UC San Diego Rady School of Management
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Rady Courtyard
Check-in / Registration
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Beyster Auditorium
Opening Remarks: Shannon Prior, Campus LISA Chair, Welcome to Campus LISA 2019
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Keynote Talks
Beyster Auditorium
Tom Andriola, Vice President and System Chief Information Officer
Ahren Crickard, Strategic Academic Initiatives, Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor
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Beyster Auditorium
Managing Protected Data in the Cloud
Andrew Greaves, Abhijit Bhattacharya
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A review of UC San Diego Health's AWS environment. We will review the who, what, and why of our AWS environment. We will also cover some of the most recent workloads and efforts.
Wells Fargo
Developers and PMs improving how we develop across UCSD
Bill Homan, Adam Tilghman, Alyssa Arce, Paul Krueger, Stephen Hamilton
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The talk will be about how our approach to development has been transforming as we sprinkle in project management and agile methods. PMs and development teams CAN successfully work together. We will touch on the good and the bad - including the challenges that PMs create for developers (and vice versa) as well as the good things we can do together.
Slides Available
Perfecting Perfunctory
James Seddon
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An obstacle in the way of innovation and implementation is a minimal resource of time. Many technology professionals are not the best at time management. This talk explores counter-intuitive strategies to make the most of the limited time available and how to choose the right tasks and efforts to get the most results.
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Advanced HPC
Mahesh Patil (Western Digital)
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Advances in storage and compute technologies will be discussed, including Composable Infrastructure (Compute / Storage / Network), Storage (Traditional vs New), and NVMf. NVMf topics will include Definitions (NVMf/NVMe/RDMA), Limitations/Solutions, and End to End Solutions.
Leveraging Research IT Services for HPC/HTC, Storage, and Software Licensing
Claire Mizumoto, Cyd Burrows-Schilling
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The proposed session will be an interactive and activity-based discussion to engage technical-research staff to share and identify challenges with HPC/HTC computing, research data storage, and software licensing – three big topics for UC San Diego researchers. Attendees will 1) learn about local and national resources to be the solution hero for their researchers and, 2) contribute to discussions, leveraging other attendees’ participation to address ongoing software licensing needs.
Slides Available
Wells Fargo
Inclusive Design: Access for All
Jimmy Cong, Jenn Dandle
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Accessibility is essential, so persons with disabilities have equal access to participation in the world. People who use technology in adaptive ways may be excluded if designers and developers don't consider and design for users of a variety of abilities. Learn more about how users of different abilities use technology and see how their experience can break down when software or websites are not designed with accessibility in mind.
Slides Available
The Creative Mindset - What We Need to Innovate
Jessica Hilt
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This talk addresses the five ways to encourage people to innovate, shifting mindset within a culture, and how to be creative in a sea of deadlines. It will cover the topic of innovation in a way that the audience leaves the talk with specific steps to become and encourage innovation.
Beyster Auditorium
Running Lean Architectures in AWS
Randy Ridgley
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This session focuses on the practical ways our customers achieve cost-efficient architectures through service selection and configuration. We start by discussing the building block services, cover the main trends, such as containers and serverless, and we explore some of the specific services, and configurations customers have used. We also take you through real-life examples that can be implemented to minimize costs while driving innovation and business output. After you attend this session, you will understand what is possible on AWS, and you will know ways in which you can deploy new workloads or modify existing workloads for optimization.
Rady Lunch Room and Lawn
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The UC San Diego Data Science & Machine Learning Platform
Adam Tilghman, David Anderson
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UC San Diego's Data Science/Machine Learning Platform (DSMLP; https://datahub.ucsd.edu) provides undergraduate and graduate students with access to research-class CPU/GPU resources for coursework, formal independent study, and student projects. Built and operated by IT Services (ITS), with additional financial contributions from Cognitive Science and Jacobs School of Engineering, DSMLP leverages Qualcomm Institute's current research into cost-effective machine-learning cyberinfrastructure, using Kubernetes and Docker container technologies. The talk could focus on technical subjects of interest to the Campus LISA audience (e.g., container architecture/configuration), or be a less technical overview of this rapidly-growing student service (2000+ users).
Wells Fargo
Introduction to Privacy (no... it's not dead!)
Pegah Parsi
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Privacy is all the rage in the news, even though everyone thinks privacy is dead! What are we missing? Turns out, reports of its death are greatly exaggerated. Join us to learn about privacy (alive and well) at UC San Diego and what the Privacy Office can help you do.
Beyster Auditorium
ESR Continuity Planning: Your Role
David Hutches, Kevin Chou
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You may have heard a lot about how access to data is changing, needing to complete a data use inventory, and “downstream remediation.” The complete process is called ESR Continuity Planning, which is designed to offer a smooth transition for business and process owners as new enterprise systems replace existing ones. As a campus technologist, you’ll be on the frontlines of helping your customers navigate this journey alongside the ESR team. Attend this session to get an update on what’s been accomplished and what comes next, and to get your questions answered.
Beyster Auditorium
Brian Dunne, Robyn Chadwick, Anthony Boyd, Silas Horton, Rachel Hassett
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Wells Fargo
Edgar Milik, David Moreno Diaz, Jonathan Whitman, Alex Wu
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Discuss the current and on-going rollout of One Card across UC San Diego. Discuss the advantages to using One Card and future goals associated with the project.
Slides Available
3:00-3:20 1E106
Welcome to Studio U
Treb Padula, Robin Martin, Jordi Olimon
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The Educational Technology Services Team is excited to debut Studio U. This is a self-service studio open to our Faculty and Staff. In this talk, we will demonstrate how it can record Learning Glass or even in-line green screen videos at the touch of a few buttons.
Slides Available
3:30-3:50 IE106
Bye, TritonEd! Hello, Canvas!
Deanna Roussin, Miguel Rodriguez
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UC San Diego has chosen Canvas as the University's new Learning Management System after an intense evaluation process. This talk will discuss the migration from TritonEd (Self-hosted) to Canvas (Cloud-based). This presentation will include discussions of learning tools interoperability (LTI), like the new cloud-based online video delivery tool, Kaltura.
3:30-3:50 1E107
Overcoming the challenges of a "1 man team"
Dorian Kersch
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Do you ever feel like you are a one-man team? Is there someone on your team always the “blocker” and have so much domain knowledge? Do you feel like you wear all the hats of dev, QA, service owner, stakeholder manager? This is a story of how one can balance, timebox, and manage their time and tell the right story to get help through data.
Slides Available
Bella Vista Social Club
After Party!
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